Silent Air Compressor Oiless W/Dryer and Cabinet PC2/50/379D
- Completely Oil-Less operation
- Specialty Niploid Coated cylinder and high temperature piston rings for Long Service
- 100% Life Duty Cycle, Runs continuously
- Ease of Maintenance
- ASME rated air tank, internally & externally coated to prevent corrosion
- Optional self regenerative dessicant air dryer
- Integrated Aftercooler
- 5 micron particle filters with autodrain
- Silencing Cabinet 56 dB/A
- Equipped with ASME rated safety valve, pressure regulator,safety valve, gauges and line ball valves resulting in a complete turn key compressor station
- Long Service Life backed by a 1 year warranty and dedicated support.
HP 1.5
Output Free Air 6.35 CFM
Output Free Air 180 L. Min
Max Pressure PSI 116 PSI
Max Pressure Bar 8 bar
Max Current 115V 17 Amps
Max Current 220V 7 Amps