Handler 2010DCU Two Stage 8 Flask Digital Curing Unit
The 2010DCU Denture Curing Unit is a sophisticated curing unit featuring:
- 2-Stage curing unit with a digital control panel on which sequences of polymerizing times and temperatures can be programmed as required by user.
- The time of each step can be set between 0 and 999 minutes. The end temperatures at each plateau can be regulated by the user between 32ºF and 210ºF (0ºC and 99ºC).
- To enable the user to see the actual program status at all times, the curing unit has a synoptic display.
- Programming. It is extremely easy to program a heating sequence for the water in the tank.
- Low maintenance and easy cleaning.
The 2010DCU Denture Curing Unit has a circuit breaker (fuse in power inlet) that protects
the machine against electric overloads.
Unit Dimension: 13.8” H x 16.5” W x 14.9” D (350mm x 420mm x 380mm)
Tank Dimension: 11” H x 10” W x 10” D (280mm x 255mm x 255mm)
Weight: 45 lbs [17kg]
Power Supply: 115V, 50/60Hz, 13A Consumption: 1500 W
Available in 230V/50/60Hz, 6 Amp – Model 2010DCU-E